Internal Medicine — Transition to Practice

TTP3 Assessing and managing patients in whom there is uncertainty in diagnosis and/or treatment

Key Features:
- This EPA focuses on the treatment of patients for whom there is uncertainty in diagnosis despite appropriate clinical assessment, and/or uncertainty in determining optimal therapy.
- This EPA includes the clinical assessment and management as well as effective communication of uncertainty to the patient/family and primary care or referring physician.

Assessment Plan:

Direct or indirect observation (case discussion and/or review of clinical documentation) by supervisor

Use Form 1. Form collects information on:
- Setting: ambulatory; inpatient
- Condition: acute; chronic; both acute and chronic
- Type of undifferentiated issue: limited data; non-diagnostic data; conflicting data
- Type of observation: direct observation; case review; review of consult note/other documents

Collect 4 observations of achievement
- At least 1 review of consult note/written communication to other MD
- At least 1 direct observation of communication with patient
