Internal Medicine — Rotations

Medical Consultations

Site: Farwaniya

EPAs mapped to this activity
For residents in C
C1. Assessing, diagnosing, and managing patients with complex or atypical acute medical presentations Required
C3a. Providing internal medicine consultation to other clinical services - Part A: Patient Assessment and Decision-Making Required
C3b. Providing internal medicine consultation to other clinical services - Part B: Written consultation note Required
C3c. Providing internal medicine consultation to other clinical services - Part C: Oral Communication with referring physician Required
C4a. Assessing, resuscitating, and managing unstable and critically ill patients - Part A: Patient Care Optional
C5. Performing the procedures of Internal Medicine When Possible
C6. Assessing capacity for medical decision-making Required
C8. Caring for patients who have experienced a patient safety incident (adverse event) When Possible
For residents in TTP
TTP4. Providing consultation to off-site health care providers Required
TTP5. Initiating and facilitating transfers of care through the health care system Required
TTP6. Working with other physicians and healthcare providers to develop collaborative patient care plans Required
TTP7. Identifying learning needs in clinical practice, and addressing them with a personal learning plan Required
TTP8. Identifying and analyzing system-level safety, quality, or resource stewardship concerns in healthcare delivery Required

Competencies covered in this activity

1. Practise medicine within their defined scope of practice and expertise
1.4. Apply knowledge of the following systems, clinical scenarios, conditions, diseases and therapies applicable to Internal Medicine, including the manifestations, investigation, and management
1.4.13. Medical aspects of specific situations Peri-operative assessment and management Hypertension as well as heart, lung, metabolic, and kidney diseases Anticoagulants and anti-platelet agents Prophylaxis for infection Prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism
Training experiences included in this activity
Core of Discipline
1.3. Service providing internal medicine consultation to other disciplines or to medical subspecialty inpatient units
1.4. Service providing preoperative assessment and perioperative care
1.5. After hours coverage for a broad spectrum of inpatients and internal medicine consultation to the emergency department
Transition to Practice
1.2. Perioperative medicine clinic