Internal Medicine — Core of Discipline
C11a Supervising junior learners in the clinical setting - Part A: Teaching
Key Features:
- This EPA focuses on the informal teaching that occurs in the clinical (bedside) setting, and includes ensuring safe patient care, teaching and providing feedback.
- This EPA includes delegation of tasks to other residents and students and may include administrative duties relevant to organization of the medical team.
- The observation of this EPA is divided into two parts: teaching; and running the team.
- For Part A, the observation must be based on at least a week of contact with the junior learners.
- For Part B the observations must be by two different supervisors, and must be based on at least two different training experiences (i.e. not all on same block).
Assessment Plan:
Part A: Teaching
Direct or indirect observation by supervisor, with input from junior learners (student or junior resident)
Use Form 1.
Collect 2 observations of achievement
S 2.1. Recognize the influence of role-modelling and the impact of the formal, informal, and hidden curriculum on learners
S 2.2. Ensure a safe learning environment for all members of the team
S 2.3. Supervise learners to ensure they work within their limits, seeking guidance and supervision when needed
S 2.3. Balance supervision and graduated responsibility, ensuring the safety of patients and learners
S 2.4. Plan and deliver a learning activity
S 2.4. Provide clinical teaching and/or other informal learning activities
S 2.5. Provide feedback to enhance learning and performance
S 2.6. Assess and evaluate learners, teachers, and programs in an educationally appropriate manner
P 1.1. Intervene when behaviours toward learners undermine a respectful environment
P 3.3. Participate in the assessment of junior learners