Internal Medicine — Program Information

Academic Days

Academic Days give residents protected time away from patient care responsibilities. Most lectures are given by Clinical Tutors with some given by Senior Residents.

Starting in the 2024/2025 academic year, every R-level in the program has its own dedicated Academic Day curriculum and schedule. Between lecture-based Academic Days and workshops (Research, QI, etc), residents have around one protected day per month for academic activities, except in Ramadan.

Academic Day lectures are designed to cover a large portion of the curriculum and give residents an opportunity to hear about topics from field experts, but do not replace reading and self-study. Starting in R1, the academic day focuses on approaches and managing common ward emergencies. In R2, lectures become more condition specific and detailed. In R3 and R4, more emphasis is placed on workshops and longitudinal project-based activities, and in R5 the focus shifts towards leadership and final exam preparation.

Academic Days and most workshops are currently held in Jaber Hospital.

Next: Research Program