Internal Medicine — Program Information

Faculty & Leadership

Training is provided by our carefully selected faculty (i.e., clinical tutors) who are highly qualified both in their specialties and as excellent teachers and supervisors. Our faculty includes graduates from our own Kuwaiti Board of Internal Medicine as well as graduates of Canadian, US, Saudi, and European postgraduate programs.

Starting in the 2024, all faculty members are required to complete intensive training in teaching and medical education. Residents evaluate faculty members on a regular basis and this feedback is compiled and given to faculty members annually to help them improve their performance to ensure their continued involvement in the program as clinical tutors.

The Program is lead and operated by a diverse team from different training sites, specialties, interests, and training backgrounds. It also includes a five resident representatives, one from each training year (R1 to R5).

Each main site has a number of site coordinators responsible for managing site-specific issues. Many issues are resolved at the site level, but if not, they are escalated to be dealt with at the program level.

You can see the current Leadership team and all faculty members at the Faculty page of the website.

Having a lot of people in the program's leadership you can contact can be a great asset but can also feel overwhelming at times. That's why we created a document to guide you in terms of who the best person to contact is regarding any issues, advice, suggestions, etc.

Next: Years & Structure