Internal Medicine — Program Information

On-Call Duties

In KBIM, residents are expected to have on-call duties in all rotations of the program, including subspecialties and electives.

The typical frequency of On Call Duties is every 4th or 5th day. However, on rare occasions such as during a transition from one block to the next across different sites or in cases of shortages, residents may be asked to be on call on the 3rd day of another on call duty (minimum 2 non-on call days in between on-call duties).

In the majority of rotations, residents do on-call duties with General Internal Medicine teams. However, there are some exceptions such as during ICU, CCU, and Neprhology rotations.

Residents in the KBIM program are required to be physically present in the hospital for a minimum of 12 hours during any on call day, including on weekends and holidays.

The oncall period of a rotation starts on the first working day of the rotation and extends until one day before the first working day of the next rotation. In other words, if there is an official holiday (e.g. weekend, holiday, etc) at the end of the current rotations month, residents will continue to cover calls with that rotation until the first working day of the next month, when they start with their next rotation.

During On Call duties, residents are taught, supervised and supported by tutors. Residents' responsibilities are gradually increased with time and as residents progress through the stages of training in the program.

More details are available in the KBIM On-Call Policy.

Next: Leaves and Sick Days