Internal Medicine — Program Information

Research Program

The research program is a longitudinal curriculum throughout the 5 years program. During R1-R2, residents go through workshops regarding critical appraisal and how to conduct them. Thereafter, they are expected to do 2-3 journal clubs at least per year during their clinical rotations supervised by a KBIM tutor. During R3, residents received a series of 3 workshops where they learn the basics of clinical research (types of studies, methodology, writing an abstract and presenting a scientific poster. At the beginning of the year, they are asked to choose a research supervisor. Each 3-4 residents are attached to a supervisor to help them find an idea, get ethical approvals, collect data, and write up an abstract.

They have deadlines to meet during the year where they must submit an abstract by the end of R3 and they must pass this program. During early R4, residents must present their poster in KBIM annual conference where the best poster will be awarded. In addition, residents are highly encouraged to publish their work. They are also encouraged to present their work at international conferences and events. Moreover, A new research elective has been introduced which can be taken during late R4 or R5. Certain criteria are needed to guarantee the acceptance of a research elective policy on the KBIM website. This research elective is an opportunity for research enthusiastic residents to have enough free time to do their research and collect data.

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