Internal Medicine — Program Information


The program runs across 7 major sites:

  1. Adan Hospital
  2. Amiri Hospital
  3. Farwaniya Hospital
  4. Jaber Hospital
  5. Jahra Hospital
  6. Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital
  7. Sabah Hospital

Each of the major sites has one or more Medical Teaching Units (MTUs), as well as several subpsecialty rotations. Hospitals go through an assessment process to be approved as training sites and undergo ongoing assessment to make sure that they have the resources and capabilities needed to meet our training objectives while also adhering to the programs policies.

Major sites also serve an important administrative role in the program as each resident is assigned to have a single "main site" for each academic year. This main site is their administrative site where they get their files reviewed regularly, meet with the site coordinators for feedback and career planning, and get their important documents such as ITERs filled.

In addition to the programs major sites, the program operates in specialized centers such as Alrashid Allergy Center, Kuwait Cancer Control Center (KCCC), Jaber Al-Ahmaed Armed Forces Hospital (aka, Military Hospital).

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