Internal Medicine — Program Information


At KBIM, we believe that psychological, emotional, and physical wellbeing are critical in the development of the competent, caring and resilient physician. Thus, we have implemented a periodic check in with residents during their academic days through "Ice-cream rounds" as well as "Ventis and vent". During these meetings, our wellness lead meets with the residents to discuss the issues that are causing high stress for the residents and come up with solutions to improve the program.

The safety of the residents is fundamental to the program; hence, we are developing a questionnaire to identify safety incidents if there are any while maintaining complete confidentiality of the residents.

Check-ins with residents in remediation has recently been implemented. During these check-ins, the residents are offered help with guidance on how to improve their clinical skills and knowledge as well as help them find mentors or role models. The residents are also guided on how to get psychological support if the need arises.

The program is working closely with our tutors to improve their awareness on how to deal with struggling residents, and how to support residents' wellness.

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