Internal Medicine — Rotation Detail

Resp at MKH


Mahmoud Mokhtar
MD, MSc, FRCP (London)
Rotation Coordinator
Sulaiman Khadadah

This rotation offers a wide variety of respiratory medicine services including in-patient admissions, a vast consultation service, general and subspecialty clinics, pulmonary function lab testing, sleep lab, and thoracic intervention. Residents are scheduled to spend equal amount of time rotating on in-patient, consult service, and clinic while integrate the physiological testing, sleep and intervention within their clinical practice. The resident is expected to make an oral presentation on a clinical case and/or a relevant respiratory topic during respiratory rounds on a weekly basis, in addition to, at least one journal club presentation during the weekly clinical grand round meeting. It is proposed that each resident attends at least two general clinics per month, care and observe two bronchoscopy procedures, care and attempt three pleural intervention cases, and grasp the interpretation of PFTs and CXRs. Furthermore, teaching sessions will be provided to cover the most important respiratory diseases like airway diseases, pleural diseases, and parenchymal lung diseases.
Evaluations should be done on a regular basis, where residents should receive and provide verbal mid-rotation feedback to discuss strengths & weaknesses and ensure objectives are being met in a timely manner. At the end of the rotation, a supervisor will complete a written evaluation. It is also expected that the residents will complete evaluations on supervisors with whom they have worked with.