Internal Medicine — Rotation Detail
Hem Oncology at KCCC
Rotation Coordinator
Rotation Description
This is a 4-week specialized rotation in hematology-oncology. As this is a subspecialty, residents are expected during this time to familiarize themselves with common hematology-oncology diagnoses, and acute management, particularly management of emergencies. This is an outpatient-based rotation as that is where the bulk of the patients are. Requests for inpatient and procedure exposure e.g. bone marrow and intrathecal chemotherapy administration can be accommodated. Residents get 1:1 teaching while on our service and a list of relevant tutors will be provided, however they will need to arrange the session timings as both resident and specialist schedules vary from month to month. We expect one short 20 minute presentation as part of the rotation. This can be on anything including around a case seen in clinic. Orientation will occur on the first day with Dr. Fatima Khadadah. Please text her the evening prior for any questions. Her office is on the second floor of the Yacoub Behbehani Building in the Cancer Genetics lab. Should she be away please check in with Dr. Abdulaziz Hamadah whose office is on the fifth floor of the Shaikha Badriya building. Mid-rotation verbal feedback and final rotation verbal and written feedback will be provided. The department and rotation secretary is Razan Alsayed. You can find her outside Dr. Abdulaziz's clinic.