Internal Medicine — Rotation Detail
Endo/Diab at Jaber

Rotation Coordinator

The Endocrine and Diabetes Division at Jaber Al-Ahmad Hospital provides high quality, patient focused management service for individuals experiencing endocrine and diabetes disorders and associated health problems.
The rotation in the Endocrine and Diabetes Division provides full inpatient consultation and outpatient referral evaluation and follow up services. It also carries out several dynamic testing to evaluate multiple endocrine conditions. Residents will have exposure to inpatient care and be evaluated for history taking, examination findings, laboratory and imaging interpretation and management plan during assigned days of team rounds. Residents will also attend outpatient clinics during the assigned days, review patients conditions, perform focused physical examination if applicable, review clinical workup and discuss management plan. Inpatient and outpatient performance evaluation will be done by the assigned senior physician. Residents need to report to the rotation coordinator on the first day of the rotation or any tutor in the rotation.
Residents will be assigned a scientific presentation during their rotation to be delivered to the Endocrine and Diabetes Division*. The topic will be assigned depending on cases exposure and could be an article review, clinical case presentation and related review of literature or a general review of a medical condition.
The division is staffed with leading experts in the field with experience in managing the full spectrum of endocrine and metabolic diseases. Residents will have exposure to various related medical conditions including diabetes, thyroid, pituitary and adrenal diseases, obesity, metabolic bone disease, reproductive endocrinology, and endocrine cancers. It also collaborates with other divisions and departments to optimize patient's health in the form of multidisciplinary teams (MDT) including Bariatric Surgery MDT and Thyroid Cancer MDT.
As part of KBIM, the division provides research opportunity in the field of endocrinology and diabetes for rotating and non-rotating residents if required by KBIM. The division has been established as a training site for medical students, internal medicine residents, family medicine residents, biochemistry residents and for requested elective rotations.
The main source of literature review are internationally accepted guidelines, including those from the Endocrine Society and American Diabetes Association. Some regional and local guidelines can also be accepted as a source of information after evaluation from rotation tutors.