Internal Medicine — Rotation Detail

MTU at Sabah


Saud Altabeekh
Rotation Coordinator
Shuja Ud Din
Muhammad Shahid

The “Medical Teaching Unit (MTU)” at Al-Sabah hospital is a new medical teaching unit that was established in October 2023 as part of Unit A (female side). Despite being newly founded, it has much to offer in terms of a multitude of educational activities including but not limited to bedside teaching during daily rounds, weekly KBIM onsite lectures, and bedside teaching sessions.
Residents can expect a well-structured and organized centered on teaching, reliable tutors and friendly environment that promotes medical education.

Daily working schedule
Morning Meeting
- Time: 7:30 AM
- located in CCU meeting room in Sabah medical building
- handover of cases admitted during the previous on-call
- discussion of complicated cases with the whole medical department, giving residents the opportunity to gain experience from senior staff and share their opinions openly.

Daily medical rounds
- Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 2
- Pre- rounds: 8:00 am to 9:30 AM (junior residents will clerk the patients with senior residents’ assistance, as well as attend to unstable patients)
- Rounds: 9:30 Am till 11:30 AM (daily scheduled rounds by a specialist KBIM tutor, opportunity for residents to present cases and have bed side teaching done, as well be assessed through EPA’s)

Weekly onsite KBIM lectures
- Conducted every Tuesday at: 12:00 PM
- CCU meeting room, same as the morning meeting
- Scheduled lectures with from different disciplines of internal medicine, delivered by clinical tutors who are well versed on such topics
- Opportunity for residents to participate and become active, as well as address any clinical questions and answer MCQ’s.

Bed side clinical examination:
- Done weekly or Biweekly according to the schedule.
- Located in both female or male wards.
- Residents are supervised by a clinical tutor to examine a real patient through one or more of the systems: cardiovascular, abdomen, neurology, or respiratory system.
- Opportunity for senior residents to practice and gain critique on their clinical examination skills, and for junior residents to observe and learn the principles of clinical examination.

Clinical scenario session
- Done weekly or Biweekly according to the schedule.
- Conducted by a clinical tutor with a simulated case-based scenario.
- Lead by a an R5 resident or senior resident according to availability
- Gives the residents the opportunity to discuss and contribute to a complex clinical scenario, ask questions and be given constructive on their management.