Internal Medicine — Rotation Detail

Rheumatology at Jahra



Dear Dr,
I would like to welcome you to Jahra Rheumatology unit webpage. We are a group of highly collaborative clinical physicians aiming to care for patients with rheumatological conditions. Our aim is to deliver excellent experience in rheumatology to young doctors as well as providing help and support as clinical tutors.
Saying this we are expecting our residents to fulfil their clinical duties as an important part of our team. You are expected to deliver care to patients mainly through OPDs, consultations and attending patients in day care. You can find more details below.

Best wishes !


-Dr Ahmad Al-Enezi (Consultant-Head of unit)
-Dr Fatemah Baroun (Consultant-Co-ordinator)
-Dr Ramia Alhassan , Dr Mahmood Adly , Dr Mustafa Mahmood

On your First Day

-Please report to Ms Mona Al-Rashidi or Mrs Al-Shaqha Althofairi
@ New Jahra Hospital- Tower C- Floor 2- Rheumatology OPD/Day Care


-Candidate should be able to take full MSK history independently
-Candidate should be able to perform MSK exam of the joints ( shoulder, hand, elbow, knee, hip, ankle and foot)
-Candidate should be able to recognise common MSK presentations and confident in formulating differential diagnosis
-Candidate should have the knowledge about most common rhematic musculoskeletal diseases ( RMD) and their first line treatment.
-Candidate should have the opportunity to master their clinical skills in joint aspiration and fluid analysis, injection , MSK Ultrasound and nail fold capillaroscopy.

Clinical Activities:


Rheumatology is a consultation service where candidate should have the opportunity to engage with patients and improve their clinical skills and over all confidence in diagnosing and treating common rheumatological presentations.
YOU SHOULD BE FIRST RESPONDER TO ALL CONSULTATIONS DURING YOUR 4 WEEKS TRAINING IN UNIT. Case will be discussed and revised with you after by a member of the team. You SHOULD engage yourself in case discussions and feel free to ask any question or address any concern.

Ward Round

Ward rounds vary during the week due to number of consultations and the severity of cases. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS REPORT TO THE TEAM IN THE MORNING FOR THE UPDATES ON THE WARD ROUND TIMINGS OF THE DAY/WEEK.


OPD is a busy service at Jahra rheumatology unit. Candidate will be exposed to a variety of cases and be exposed to short term as well as long term management of RMD.
YOU WILL BE OFFERED THE OOPORTUNITY TO REVIEW PATIENTS ON YOUR OWN IN CLINIC AND DISCUSS WITH MEMBER OF THE TEAM AS PER THE SCHEDULE GIVEN BELOW. You will also have the opportunity to observe the clinic with one of your tutor, yet we encourage to interact with patients directly. This is a great opportunity to master history taking, examination and communication skills. Please report any concerns you may have to one of the clinical tutors.

Clinical skills

-Joint Aspiration and Fluid Analysis
-Joint Injection
-MSK Ultrasound
-Nailfold Capillaroscopy (NFC)
You will have the opportunity during this rotation to observe as well as perform above listed procedures. PLEASE TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY IF AVAILABLE.

Day Care

Candidate will gain experience with common IV medications used in rheumatology field as well as encounter challenging cases.
YOU SHOULD RVEIEW PATIENT PRE INFUSIONS AND EVALUATE IF ANY CONCERNS. ALSO YOU SHOULD RESPOND TO ANY EMERGENCY OR ARREST CODE IN UNIT. Also you are encouraged to interact with the nursing staff and establish a good report with the staff.

Book in appointments

Candidate will have the opportunity to book in patients for sooner review shall the need arises. YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BOOKING PATIENTS, REVIEWING PATINETS AND DICSUSING WITH CONSULTANT ON SERVICE.


Candidate should do on-calls with the medical unit.
YOU SHOULD CONTACT SITE CO-ORDINATOR PRIOR TO STARTIGN THE ROTATIOKN FOR FURTHER DETAILS ABOUT ONCALL ROTA. It is your responsibility to inform the rheumatology coordinator about your on-call rota and KBIM lectures to facilitate your absence.

Journal Club

Candidate will be able to attend the local Jahra rheumatology journal club that takes place on alternative weeks on Thursday at 8.30 am.
YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PRESENT ON ONE OF THE DAYS. A general evaluation will be performed.
You may also be required to present a case or an update during medical morning meeting.


Candidate can arrange a communication session with one of the clinical tutors. PLEASE APPROACH THE CLINICAL TUTORS TO ARRANGE A SESSION .

Pre rotation objectives, post rotation objectives (RA , SPA, CTD)

A local evaluation sheet can be found in the supplementary document. You are required to fill the pre rotation form prior to starting date. YOU SHOULD COMPLETE THE FORM BYT THE END OF THE ROTATION AND HAND IN TO THE ROTATION COORDINATOR.

1st day reporting , mid rotation evaluation and end of rotation evaluation

As advised by KBIM committee those to be carried on. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ARE CERTAIN ABOUT THE TIMES AND DATES GIVEN TO YOU AND REPORT PUNCTUALLY FOR YOUR FEEDBACK. You can reschedule dates after discussing with the clinical coordinator.


Candidate is required to do at least 4-6 EPS during this rheumatology rotation ( 2-3 each for the clinical tutor). IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO REMIND THE CLINICAL TUTOR ABOUT THE EPS. Please take the chance to do so during OPD, rounds or during teaching sessions.

Time table

on your first day at our unit , your schedule will be discussed